Saturday, October 18th

Join us in Chicago for a post-nuptial party celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Golembiewski.

Meet us in Chicago

Meet us in Chicago

The Event

Alix and David invite you to celebrate with them at a post-nuptial party in Chicago.

October, 18th, 2025
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Salon 61 Events
61 West Hubbard Street,
Chicago, IL, 60654


Where to Stay

Chicago is filled with amazing hotels in virtually every neighborhood and at a wide range of price points. We have compiled a few suggestions for you. Learn more

Things to Do

Fall in Chicago is such a magical time. The leaves are changing, the weather is comfortable, and the activities are endless. Learn more

Places to Eat

Chicago is for food lovers. Looking for the best recs from your favorite locals? Look no further than our restaurant guide. Visit the restaurant Guide